Excuse my lack of explaining the situation, I was trying to avoid putting you in an awkward position. Basically, since I've met you, I felt a connection to you, and I always liked you more than a friend. The whole point of why I originally sent you a message then deleted it (although somehow an upside down question mark got sent) was because I felt motivated to tell you how I've always felt about you. Then I decided that I should delete that message that explained in detail why you were someone I adored and thought was absolutely amazing.
So, me, naturally being completely lost when it comes to anything like this, asked what he meant, since that was basically all I got, an upside-down question mark and some vagueness. The next part is where it really gets me...I then received the longest message I have ever received, in full detail, of many redeeming qualities this friend thinks I possess. That's it. Plain and simple. Not asking for anything in return, he just wanted me to know how he has felt about me, from the time in third grade in religious education classes at church, through the time I had my first boyfriend who was not treating me so kindly, up through high school when I loved to paint, and so on...in detail. For some reason, I laughed it off at the time, read it with my best friends, thinking of it as nice, but I. never. responded. I received a couple more messages, mostly with apologies for making things awkward, but I really didn't even pay attention to them. Life was moving too fast for me. For some reason, today I decided to get back to him, and I saw this final message:
Hey I'm sorry again this was stupidly embarrassing, and I realize it is weird to have explained all of this (I should have not tried to justify why I accidentally sent you something, and so let's just forget it). As I'm looking over this whole fiasco, it is so stupid I never honestly wanted it to go this way if I was going to tell you how I felt in the past haha... allbecause of a stupid question mark that I can't explain either. It's pretty laughable how stupid it is. Sometimes it is what it is, you know? But basically I just wanted to tell you how amazing you are and I hope you realize it. Don't ever under value yourself (not that I'm saying you have or are), just remember that. And if you EVER need someone to vent to, need advice on something, or even anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. Good luck Mary, I hope all is well.
And now I'm thinking WHAT THE HELL, MARY? For someone who values kindness over matter, over anything else, why didn't I respond to such a heartfelt thing that someone has taken the time for? It's not like I had to drop everything and marry him, but why didn't I at least acknowledge how nice this was? What the hell was I doing that was so important for months that I couldn't at least respond?
And that's what puts me here, when I have to be up in a couple hours for a l

ong day of work, trying to type up some sort of response to make up for my lack of response. And why today, of all days, is this getting to me so badly?