Wednesday, April 13, 2011

reflection, Burlington waterfront, and websites

So this Tuesday afternoon was beautiful, which made my mentor teacher (the teacher I work under at YMCA preschool in Burlington) decide to take the kids for a walk down to Perkin's Pier. After the long walk and setting the rugrats free, I absentmindedly spent most of the time, between a few bumps and bruises, regulating turns on the slide, and having a squat for a child who couldn't hold it, staring at the beautiful waterfront I completely don't have enough time to appreciate in my day. I mean, our school pretty much frames it from most of our classroom windows, and still I feel like I never have enough time to do whatever you're supposed to do when you truly appreciate nature. It truly got me thinking about...welll...what makes me think.

It took visiting the playground to realize that I would truly like to be at the waterfront more often and that I need to make time for it. Usually I am too busy running from one place to the next, especially on 12 hour Tuesdays, to "stop and smell the roses". I realize that occurrences like this happen every day, allowing me to tweak myself to do what I want, evolving me into who I am.

Makes me think is a website that shares encounters that make people stop and think throughout the day. Anyone is allowed to post their experience for others to share with the tag MMT (makes me think). Some are happy, some are silly, and some have the power to bring tears with few words. Here's what the creator says...

“Sometimes the most random everyday encounters force us to stop and rethink the truths and perceptions we have ingrained in our minds. These encounters are educationally priceless. They spawn moments of deep thought and self-reflection that challenge the status quo and help us evolve as sensible individuals… 

Here at, we call these thought-provoking life experiences 'MMTs.'”

I find myself gravitating towards this website a lot, and, I admit, reacting a little emotionally. In fact, I was caught getting a little teary by one once, to which a friend replied "Why do you put yourself through that! Those are just so sad!"But really, it's what makes it all the more personal for me, and sparks a change within myself. And on whatever path I may be on to self betterment or whatever, I think this is another thing that helps keep me going. So, thanks,, for truly helping me realize, well, what makes me think.

Today, while I was sitting in the outpatient waiting room preparing myself for my first round of chemotherapy and feeling extremely sorry for myself, a little boy with a bald head, no older than 5, snuck up behind me, handed me a Hershey’s Kiss, gave my leg a big hug and said, “My mom says we have to keep smiling.” MMT

Today, on my 30th birthday my mom handed me a sealed letter that I had to write for a school project when I was 14. The teacher had us write a short letter to our 30-year-old self that was supposed to act as a reminder to stay young at heart. I can’t believe my mom saved my letter. The last line read, “I look forward to meeting you someday.” MMT